Future Prediction Research with Children under 10 reveals Environment plays a huge part in their Worldview


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As 2022 continues to see technological innovation, cloud tech creation specialists, Revolent, asked school pupils to draw their predictions for the future, with the shortlisted entries brought to life by a professional 3D designer.

The results revealed a car that will fix the climate crisis and a bin that turns rubbish into solar energy.

Rubbish Converter Design Idea

Future-Prediction-ResearchDespite what is put inside it, this bin is far from rubbish. With the power to turn our waste into solar energy, there’s no doubt this invention could reinvent life as we know it. If it is ever possible for this pupil’s drawing to become a reality, there won’t be a house, street, or park in sight without one.

Statista predicts worldwide municipal solid waste generation is expected to hit 3.4 bn metric tons by 2025, and with technology like this, this could be creating mass amounts of renewable energy.

Flying Car that Stops Climate Change Design Idea

Childhood-Development-and-Access-to-NatureIf you thought electric cars were futuristic, wait until you see this new ride. Not only can it fly, but it can also save the world. Forget a sports car, this new model will be all the rage, as it shoots through the sky on its way to refreeze Antarctica.

A study by Unicef showed that 95% of children aged between 4 and 18 were concerned about climate change, so it makes sense that the typical childhood dream of a flying car has been combined with one that can end the crisis.

With a vehicle like this, both wishes could come true.

These are only two of the creative designs that the younger generation is expecting. Despite the pupils being on opposite sides of the world, notable trends still popped up.

  • A positive impact on the environment was the third most popular theme amongst all the drawings
  • 1 in 10 drawings include eco-friendly features such as solar power and zero-waste delivery
  • Children’s minds are focused on ways we can tackle environmental problems

You can view all 10 shortlisted entries here: https://www.revolentgroup.com/kidsdrawtech/


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