4 Ways to save on Heating & Electricity with a Hot Water Bottle


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The new year 2023 might bring in new (and devastating) situations for Britons to deal with such as electricity capacity shortfalls.

Now even if the worst-case scenario doesn’t unfold, energy costs are rising and don’t seem like they’ll drop anytime soon.

Your only two options for the coming winter are:

  • Cough up several thousand pounds to keep yourself warm
  • Shiver in misery


Let the humble hot water bottle come to your rescue.

This common household item can help you stay warm without emptying the last of your pennies while also being more sustainable and affordable as a reusable item.

We’ve informed you how to deal with a heatwave, so read on to know how to stay warm this winter using a hot water bottle and save on electricity and heating bills.

First things first, how much can I save with a hot water bottle?

There hasn’t been any scientific study comparing how much it costs to use hot water bottles for personal heating. So, there are no ‘official’ estimates.

But according to this source, the average cost of heating a typical UK home is around £400 – £500 per month with the current energy prices.

So, that’s roughly how much you’ll save. More so, now that energy prices are on an upward stroll.

But heating the water for the hot water bottle would also cost me, right?
Yes, it would.

But did you know that boiling 2L of water consumes just 116.7 watt-hours of energy which currently costs you around 6.8p? And you can find more information about how energy use in a household is distributed in this post about raw food recipes.

In comparison to what it takes to run central heating at home, you’d practically be getting the warmth for free.

4 creative Ways to use Hot Water Bottles this Winter to save on Heating Bills

Back in the 1500s, people used all sorts of containers to store hot coal from the fire. These were then used as feet warmers, hand warmers, and even bed warmers.

Thankfully, for you, the invention of vulcanised rubber in the 19th century has made life simpler. Modern-day hot water bottles are lightweight, flexible, and not to mention, much cuter looking than their historical counterparts as you can select unique hot water bottles nowadays from a wide range of shops.

Here are 5 ways you can use them this winter to stay warm.

1.   Cuddle with them to sleep

Here’s the process to stay warm at night: Cuddle them to sleep. This will keep your bed and your body warm for the night. The ones that come with fur covers are the best suited for such use.

2.   Wear them on during the day

Hot water bottles come in various shapes and sizes today. And while you are working around the house all day, a small one can easily be placed in a tiny backpack, sitting between your shoulder blades.

Or you can use one of the below hot water bottles with faux fur covers featured by Wilko if you want something fancy.


3.   Keep them close while you sit straight

When you are in a chair, indulging in the daily grind of life in front of a PC/laptop, a hot water bottle behind your back and another below your feet can keep you sufficiently warm.

4. Use it for the entire family in the Japanese “kotatsu” style

Don’t underestimate the power of hot water bottles combined with a blanket. That’s a great way to get ample warmth for the entire family.

The traditional Japanese kotatsu style features lower seating where everyone’s seated on the floor. But it isn’t very hard to replicate the arrangement with height chairs and tables either.

Bonus – Carry them around for round-the-clock thermal comfort

Hot water bottles are easy to carry around. So even when you head out of the house, you can tuck one in your overcoat or sweater. And enjoy thermal comfort even when on the move.

Risks to avoid while using Hot Water Bottles for Heating

Hot water bottles today are made with non-toxic materials and are pretty safe.

But you still need to be cautious as explained in this video:

Here are the 3 key risks you face while using hot water bottles.

1.   Water spills

Water doesn’t have to be boiling to be dangerous. Water above the temperature of 60 degrees Celsius (as usually is in a hot water bottle) can be scalding. So, while you are pouring hot water from the kettle into the bottle, be careful.



2.   Bottle bursts

It is not often that a hot water bottle bursts. But it happens. Like it did with 45-year-old Helen Cowell.






So, make sure you replace your hot water bottles every 2-3 years. Or as soon as you see considerable signs of wear and tear.

3.   Leaks

Not securing the cap of your hot water bottle can get you a little wet. In the worst-case scenario, however, you could get major burns that’ll have you rushing to the hospital.

Also, don’t fill the hot water bottle to the brim. It should only be filled 3/4th for safe and comfortable use.

5 Hot Water Bottles for keeping the Cold at Bay

1.   The cute-looking variants from Amazon

hot-water-bottles-from-amazonCute patterns. Natural rubber. Soft fleece covers. What else do you need to stay warm in the winter? Just grab this low-cost hot water bottle from Amazon and keep it close.

2.   Faux fur textured hot water bottle from ASDA

Designed in navy blue, this hot water bottle from George Home, available at ASDA, will keep you warm and stylish.

3.   Morrisons’ cream fleece hot water bottle

fleece-hot-water-bottleIdeal for cuddling with, this fleece hot water bottle from Morrisons is a perfect partner for the winter. Stay warm and cosy.

4.   Wilko long hot water bottle for more coverage

hot-water-bottle-for-more-coverageGet more coverage and a better snuggling experience with this cute teddy-long hot water bottle from Wilko.

5. Argos Home Glow In The Dark hot water bottle

What’s better than a comfy hot water bottle to cuddle with at night? Hot water that also glows in the dark? Your wish has been granted by Argos.

Quick Hot Water Bottle Cost Comparison

Name Price Capacity Material Review Available at
Ram® Large 2L Hot Water Bottle with Soft Fleece Cover £6.99 2 L Rubber, with soft fleece cover 4.4/5 (Based on 7,000+ ratings) Amazon
George Home Navy Faux Fur Textured Hot Water Bottle £6.00 Not specified Faux fur cover 4.8/5 (Based on 50+ ratings) ASDA
Morrisons Cream Fleece Hot Water Bottle £8.00 Not specified Fleece cover 5/5 (Based on single user review) Morrisons
Wilko Teddy Long Hot Water Bottle with Novelty Cover £12.00 2L Natural rubber, 100% polyester cover No ratings yet Wilko
Argos Home Glow In The Dark Hot Water Bottle £10.00 1.5L Rubber, 100% polyester cover NA Argos

Brace yourself. Winter is coming

Stock up on hot water bottles before they go out of stock and make sure you save on heating and electricity while still staying warm this winter.


Author Profile

Manuela WillboldOnline Media & PR Strategist
Blogger and Educator by Passion | Senior Online Media & PR Strategist at ClickDo Ltd. | Fascinated to Write Lifestyle Blogs in News & Education I have completed a journalism summer course at the London School of Journalism and manage various blogs.

About Manuela Willbold 128 Articles
Blogger and Educator by Passion | Senior Online Media & PR Strategist at ClickDo Ltd. | Fascinated to Write Lifestyle Blogs in News & Education I have completed a journalism summer course at the London School of Journalism and manage various blogs.

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