Write For Us

Are you passionate about green living?Green-and-earth-friendly-news-and-tips

Are you an eco warrior every day?

Then share your green living tips, ideas and suggestions on the Green Living Blog to spread the word about how to lead an earth-friendly and eco-friendly life.

Why get featured on the Green Living Blog?

The Green Living Blog began its journey in 2020 with a mission to become a platform where anyone who has something valuable to contribute about sustainability can do so.

Since then our eco magazine has steadily grown and gained more visitors and followers. In 2024 over 31,000 times our content was clicked on according to Google. 


And we continue to grow as we continue to welcome informative, resourceful and newsworthy guest contributions from expert eco warriors as well as practicing every day eco heroes, who can provide relevant information to our Green Living Blog readership.

If you are a nature lover and write high-quality guest posts that will offer valuable insights and information about the latest developments in the world of ethical, vegan or sustainable shopping, living, lifestyle etc., we’re listening. Just make sure to read our criteria for guest contributions first to send us your best piece.

Criteria For Writing For The Green Living Blog:

  • Mention or discuss original concepts, relevant arguments, and the latest trends and developments in your field of expertise. We will not republish anything that’s been published elsewhere. You will need to attribute data, quotations, and outside content correctly and clearly using relevant references in the article.
  • No irrelevant or purely commercial links for SEO purposes will be published. All added hyperlinks in the content submission are subject to editorial review and approval. 
  • Add relevant and useful images, graphics or infographics to enhance the content and ensure they are copyright free without a copyright licence.
  • All guest submissions must be written in perfect English without any grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • You can add a brief author bio highlighting your background along with a headshot image. 
  • The topic of your article should be relevant to our Green Living Blog readers so anything related to eco-friendly living, green lifestyle, ethical shopping etc. will be accepted.
  • Once you submit your article via the form below or via email, we will review and approve it. We may edit it or make editorial suggestions, if required.
  • We’ll let you know about the progress of your submission within the following 72 hours of you sending it to us. Promotional content may incur publication fees, which we will inform you about after editorial review. 
  • We only work with professional writers, experts and content providers with a professional conduct and writing style. We aim to provide valuable and informative content to benefit our readership.
  • Find additional information on our content copyright agreement page

Get in touch by completing the form below and we look forward to reading your exciting Green Living Blog piece and share it with our audience.
